Specialist Opinion From SunsSafe Skin Cancer Clinic To Wherever You Are
Time & Money
You Can Be Anywhere
There Is Mobile Phone Coverage
Thanks to new-generation mobile phone cameras, it is possible to take good-quality pictures via pocket dermoscopes and smart phones. This tool is great for patients, as they can use a valid screening tool for monitoring moles and lesions.
A person concerned about a changing mole or a new mole can capture an image and send it to SunSafe Skin Cancer Clinic to receive expert opinion.
Moreover, patients with lesions to be checked periodically can take pictures at home of such lesions and send them to SunsSafe Skin Cancer Clinic where the images are compared with previous ones for a correct follow-up, sparing time, visits and travel.
Where necessary an online Telederm appointment can be set up for one of our team and the patient to consult.
Telederm allows the team at SunSafe Skin Cancer Clinic to share our computer screen and what we see on Dermengine with you and discuss your diagnosis.
This technology is brilliant for those who are located in country areas, or who are Fly In Fly Out (FIFO) or Drive In Drive Out (DIDO) workers.
It means that families who only have one vehicle do not have to be inconvenienced having to arrange transport, children etc. Simply log in from home at the appointed time, from the convenience of you smart phone, tablet or computer.
** Cancer Council Australia does not recommend the use of smartphone applications by consumers to self-diagnose skin cancer including melanoma. This must be acheived by a skin cancer doctor.
It doesn't matter where you are...
Sunsafe Skin Cancer Clinic
234 Honeypot Rd
Huntfield Heights, SA 5163