How long will my appointment take?
A full-body mole mapping can take up to an hour. However, in special cases, extra time is required. Included in this hour block is the consultation with the melanographer and the doctor.
If the appointment is only a skin check consultation, the examination can take up to 30 minutes.
A Telederm appointment may be 15 - 30 minutes.
Is mole mapping painful?
Mole mapping and skin check consultations are both completely pain-free. They are safe for all individuals including children, pregnant women and persons with previously diagnosed skin conditions.
Using a Dermoscopic Lens with your smartphone only requires a liquid like hand sanitiser or saliva to ensure a good clean image can be taken.
How regularly should I schedule a mole map or skin check?
An annual mole map or skin check is recommended for most individuals. The exception is for those with a history of skin cancer or those at high risk. For these individuals, it is recommended to schedule a review more regularly.
During this annual check, all legions will be re-imaged to check for changes and new lesions will be imaged. The annual skin check will also track any changes using the Dermoscope.
With the use of Dermengine and Dermoscopic attachement to your smartphone, you can upload images to us as soon as you discover a new mole, lesion, or a change to any previous moles or lesions.
What will happen if I need a mole removed?
Any patient in need of a surgical excision or biopsy will be briefed on the procedure at the time of their mole mapping or skin check consultation. At that time costs will be discussed. The procedure will then be scheduled for another day. All procedures are carried out using local anaesthetic and generally take from 30 minutes to an hour. Our doctor Dr Sandu will perform these procedures.
What is Telederm?
Telederm is a consultation with one of our team via the internet. It is much like Telehealth with your GP.
However we may share our computer screen so you can see the scans and comparisons on your own device as we discuss with you the appropriate course of action.
What do I wear?
It is important to wear loose, comfortable clothing and slip-on shoes (not lace-up shoes) if possible.
This helps to reduce the time you spend getting undressed so that you have more time with the doctor.
Why do I need a biopsy?
It is important that you have a biopsy, as the results of this procedure will influence the best course of action.
What happens if skin cancer is found?
In most cases, when found early, skin cancer can be easily and successfully treated with surgery.
Most skin cancers are cured once they are removed. Other non-surgical treatments may be used but this will depend on the type of skin cancer found.
Sunsafe Skin Cancer Clinic
234 Honeypot Rd
Huntfield Heights, SA 5163